Maybe It's Time to Re-assess & Re-align

It’s been a crazy ride the last few years - there’s no denying it. Covid happened and forced a world that never stops to stop. Amidst the illness, the losses, and the heartache, it has been a time where some have felt renewed and refreshed after being forced to learn new rhythms, gain fresh perspective, and and navigate new and unexpected paths.
Most of us though, at the earliest opportunity, have jumped right back onto the hamster wheel of life, doing all the same things (often on autopilot) that we did before that forced pause came along. And now we’re a few months into what seems ‘back to normal’, life appears to be as busy as ever, and those fresh plans and renewed priorities seem to be fading fast in the frantic pace of doing and being ALL. THE. THINGS.
Sound familiar?
Most of us find those pauses of life uncomfortable, unpleasant and frustrating, but I believe it’s exactly those pauses that God can use to propel us into His perfect will and purpose for our lives. They key is how we respond to the pause!
You see, whether forced or chosen, a pause is the opportunity for re-evaluation, reset, and realignment, It’s a time that when used wisely, can serve to unplug us from all the things we were doing that we were never meant to do (or those things that were just for a season) and align us with heavens plans for our lives, and the path that will propel us into our divine destiny. Instead of continuing on autopilot we can choose to pause long enough to...
SEE what God sees (His vision for our lives)
AGREE with what He says (aligning our purpose with His)
and THEN go again - reenergised with HIS power, with a fresh opportunity to
BE all that He created us to be (boldly living out our true identity & calling)!
If we disengage the autopilot mode and instead, lean in and ask Him to steer the ship, we really can embark on the most awesome God-adventure.
So how about you?
Are you feeling in alignment with God’s direction for your life and confident that you’re walking along His path, in His timing?
Or, are you feeling like you’re back in autopilot mode, in the same old same old routines and not really feeling any sense of purpose or passion in life?
Did that forced pause serve to realign and re-energise you?
Or, are you back on the same path like nothing ever happened but with the occasional ‘what’s it all about’ echoing in your head when you stop for breath?
If the latter is true for you, the good news is - it’s not too late to re-assess and re-align. If the forced pause didn’t get you to where you want and need to be, you can CHOOSE to pause now and ask God to put you on the path where you are led by HIS priorities and walking into all He has promised and purposed for your life!
Maybe you're sending that God is shifting your path and wanting you to do something new. If you're not quite sure, here are 6 signs that God may be leading you in a new direction.
"Teach me to do your will, for you are my God! Let your good Spirit lead me on level ground" - Psalm 143:10
We’re in a time when God is calling His daughters to step up and into the fullness of His calling on our lives, and YOU are a strategic part of His purposes on the earth. So today, be encouraged! Because TODAY you can CHOOSE to pause, realign, and be propelled into your divine destiny with God leading and guiding you every step of the way!
Thanks for reading friends. Praying God's blessing and favour over you this week!
Vicky xx
PS. If this post has touched your heart in any way, would you please share it with someone you know who might need a fresh touch from God? You never know what effect it may have and what God might do through you in the days ahead by simply obeying His prompting to share this message. I would love for as many people as possible to join us on this journey of discovering the depths of God's love, discovering our God-given dreams, and walking in the fullness of all that He has for us.
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