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Writer's picture: Vicky HughesVicky Hughes

When you find yourself profoundly affected by the passing of someone you didn’t know personally - someone you’d never even met; you start to ask questions. Serious ones.

What does a life well-lived look like in the books of heaven? How can one life leave such an indelible mark for the kingdom on so very many hearts? What legacy will I leave? What will MY life really count for when I depart this earth? You start to cry out ‘ whatever you have to do in me to see your plans and purposes fully worked out in my life. Take MY life and let it be an offering to you. An acceptable offering. An offering that brings you glory!’

Since the passing of this amazing, wild and wonderful woman of God into glory this week, I find myself with a renewed desire - a deep desire - to know the Holy Spirit like Christine Potter knew Him. To live a life so fully surrendered that when people look at me, they see only HIM. HIS light. HIS love, HIS eyes of fire simultaneously piercing their soul and awakening the Spirit inside of them. HIS life bringing them to life.

I didn’t know this lady - yet her death feels for me, like a life-defining moment. A call to truly die to self so that Christ can live fully in and through me.

But there is something else accompanying this call. It’s a cry from the depths of my spirit and I believe it’s a prophetic call to many. It’s the Spirit of God coming with a trumpet call to these faithful ones to take their place in this hour...

I find rising up within me a desperate cry for the spiritual mothers and fathers to arise in the earth. With wisdom that is found only from a life lived closer than close to the Father’s heart. With a deeply nurturing nature that is birthed out of such great intimacy with Holy Spirit producing a desire to see the Sons and daughters of God reach full maturity and become all they were created to be.

Now more than ever before we need to see and be adopted by those mighty mamas and papas in the faith who will both gather us under their wing and allow us to stand on their shoulders. Those with a desire that we might know the Lord in a deeper, more intimate way than we ever dreamed possible, and with a passion to help us see with eyes of faith and enter into the fullness of who we are IN HIM. Those who will commit to consistently watering the seeds of purpose lying dormant within us and intercede for us with such great fervour - because they know the fruitfulness of our lives is their inheritance!

Where are the wise ones who have gone before us? The ones with much knowledge to impart - not from their scholarly pursuits, but from the depth of their ‘dwelling’ in Him. The ones who have lived a life dedicated to knowing Him and being fully known? The ones with the Godly maturity that we crave that comes from consistently pursuing and encountering His presence. The ones who truly know His heart? Who see Him and sense Him move before the rest of us have even turned the page because their spirits are so attuned to the frequency of heaven and they are so at one with God IN them?

Mothers and fathers ARISE! It is YOUR time!

Mothers and fathers arise! it is your time! This is your call to take your place! The seeds sown within you long ago have come to maturity - you have produced much fruit for the kingdom. But your ministry is not over. No! It’s only just beginning. Creation is groaning for the sons and daughters of God to appear - to take their place on the earth. To usher in the Kingdom of the very one you have dedicated your lives to know and to serve. Now...sow into us. Water the seeds within us that your eyes of faith can already SEE as fully in bloom. Assist us on our leg of the kingdom journey. Do all that you can to see that we finish the race well, and share in the inheritance that you have so faithfully run the race to receive!

For those who have already heard and accepted the call to be a mother or father - heed the call once again and determine to steward those who have been entrusted to you to the very best of your God-given ability. For those just realising that this is your new divine assignment - seek out the ones that the Father would have you pour into and impart all that you have learned from a life of abiding in Him.

If you will arise and take up this mantle, if you will recognise and sow your own lives into the good soil of those the Father is giving you to nurture in this season, your fruitfulness will be multiplied exponentially, your harvest will be abundant, and your reward will be great!


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